content: Learn about the shakuhachi (Japanese bamboo flute) from master performer Shawn Head. We will dive into Shawn’s creative process as a musician and composer and discover how he integrates Zen and traditional Japanese aesthetics—including ma, mono no aware, wabi, and sabi—into his works. Shawn will perform on shakuhachi to help guide our understanding of these medieval sensibilities and how they inform the works of many Japanese composers and artists.

Member Pricing: $15.00
Non-member Pricing: $20.00

Program Details
Dates: Friday, Jan 18, 7:00pm-8:30pm
Total Clock Hours: 1.50
Total CE Hours: 0.00
live_date: 2019/01/18
live_area: oversea
address: The jung Center, Houston, TX, USA
lat: 29.7267795
lng: -95.39139160000002
post_type: live_info